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Explore your past life.
Explore an alien abduction.
Explore the reason you are living this life.
Explore you past life
Explore you past life
Explore you past life

Texas Metaphysics & QHHT
QHHT - Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique
Welcome to Texas Metaphysics where we do QHHT®
What is QHHT®? QHHT®, or the Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique®, was developed by Dolores Cannon when she and her husband began utilizing hypnosis to help others with habits they wished to overcome (stop smoking, losing weight, etc.) in the 1960s.
How Can Hypnosis Help Me and What Things Can I Learn?
Hypnosis is not just for smoking and weight reduction; this remarkable and natural state of the human mind can be used to turn any desire into a reality and to increase the emotional enjoyment and experiences of life. Using hitherto ignored or forgotten assets of the greatest creation we know of ourselves, and to do so at the speed of thought.
Hypnosis can be beneficial to all who desires a session and is willing to follow the directions of the hypnotist. Hypnosis is a wonderful state of mind for play, for increasing the enjoyment of sex, for human evolution in helping to expand and develop psychic abilities, and in education when we could teach faster and create potentially happier people.
Hypnosis is a fascinating topic for exploration. The subconscious mind forgets nothing. The most powerful and greatest hypnotists in the world are parents, teachers, and peers. When a child is dealt with in a non-loving environment, the subconscious mind remembers, even from the womb. This will affect the child throughout their entire life.
Anger issues, eating disorders, fears, love, hate, etc., all these may come from our environment or peers as a young child and then bring those unwanted emotions or addictions into a potentially loving relationship only to be destroyed by the recordings in our subconscious mind. I believe that only by the renewing of our minds are we able to rid ourselves of unwanted emotions and addictions that control us through our subconscious memories.
I also believe that there are only two ways to renew our minds. The first and best way is through Jesus Christ. The second way is through hypnosis.
In many ways, clients are affected by external sources that impact the thoughts and behaviors of the client. Those sources may be earthbound entities or spirits. They may be dark force entities such as demons, and yes, they are real. Or extraterrestrials. These entities may affect a person through the use of Ouija Boards, watching horror movies, channeling, automatic writing, witchcraft, etc. When a person invites a spirit to come into their life, they have no idea who they are inviting in and what the outcome may be.
As a hypnotist, I have dealt with all the above-mentioned spirit attachments and dealt with spirit releasement. Clients have described their own past lives during a hypnosis session including, alien visitations and abductions, experiencing healing, finding a lost love, releasing unwanted emotions due to past life trauma, traumatic death episode, finding that their current relationship is with a former life partner, friend, family member, etc.

QHHT Session
For an Amazing Experience
The QHHT experience is much like resting with your eyes closed. Hypnosis allows the client to get in touch with the subconscious and then ask the questions that the client brought. An interview is first conducted to go over the questions that have already been prepared by the client, such as, “Am I doing the career that I’m supposed to do?” “Why do I have this weight condition, and can you help me?” “Have I ever been abducted by aliens?” Sometimes clients will go into a past life, but that is not always the case. Whatever is the best time and place to explore your questions is where you will be taken.
1. Hypnosis is a naturally occurring state, we are all in a trance many times each day.
2. The hypnotist does not control the client. The client has complete control over their session.
3. The hypnotist can’t make you do or say anything against your will.
4. Hypnosis is a state of increased awareness and suggestibility.
5. You will probably feel awake and be able to hear everything that is said.
6. Hypnosis taps the power of the unconscious mind.
7. You can go into a trance sitting down, standing up, lying down, with eyes open, closed eyes, etc.
8. You were in an analgesic hypnotic state if you found cuts or bruises towards the end of the day, with no knowledge of having been hurt.
9. A negative hypnotic experience occurs when one cannot find something when that object is directly in front of you.
10. Anyone of average intelligence with the ability to understand the language and who can follow instructions, can be hypnotized.
Sign Up For Our FREE Monthly Newsletter. You are invited to attend our free monthly meetings on the 3rd Saturday of each month at Beefy's on the Green in Spring Branch, Texas.
I will never call unless I am first contacted by text message or email and requested to call. Please text me your name and the best time to call you. I do not do sessions unless we have a 15 to 20-minute conversation first, to see how I may help you. If calling for a friend or family member that requires a session, I must first talk to the potential client to ensure that they are agreeable to having a session.
Hypnosis has been used for exploring our past lives, as in past life regression, life-between lives, releasing spirit attachments, weight loss, smoking cessation, etc. If you can think of it, then hypnosis may be able to help.
Understand that the client must be willing to be hypnotized, like sitting in front of a television and being programmed by the producers of the movie or series the client is watching and absorbed in, which is a form of hypnosis.
Are you curious, or do you have a story you would like to share? Come join us at “Beefy’s on the Green,” on the 3rd Saturday of each month at 1:00 PM. The location is at the corner of HWY 281N and Rebecca Creek Road, in Spring Branch, Texas. You cannot miss it; it has a very large golf ball in the front.
This is a safe place to tell your stories of the paranormal, without fear of rebukes or ridicule from others. Everybody has gone through something, whether it has been UFO sightings or alien abductions, shadow people coming in the night, or ghosts in the house watching you sleep. This is happening all over the world, in my world, and your world. Your friends and family, 18 years of age and older, are welcome, please bring them.
No one under 18 years old will be allowed.
No Video, Photography, or Audio Recording Will Be Allowed
Violators Will Be Asked To Leave and Not Return
Additionally, hypnosis may be able to allow the client to explore their past life through regression hypnosis, help the client to learn their purpose in life and help resolve relationship issues due to past life trauma with their current partner.
The subconscious mind remembers everything. The subconscious mind also works in the background. Whatever a person desires, the subconscious mind will ensure that the client will receive what it wants. Do you keep saying that you are sick? The subconscious mind will ensure that you are sick. Do your peers belittle you? If you accept their belittlement, then your subconscious mind will ensure that you are everything that they have said about you.
However, if you do not want to accept those comments of derision, then hypnosis may be able to help by renewing your mind and giving you a new start in life.